Applicants must initially register on the “OUT OF WORK LIST” in person between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. We are closed from noon to one for lunch.
Registrants must resign beginning on the 10th and ending on the 16th of each month by one of the following four (4) methods to remain registered:
1. In Person 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
2. Facsimile to: 740-282-4425
3. *E-mail to: resignibew246@gmail.com
4. Postcard only to:
IBEW Local Union 246
PO Box 188
Steubenville, OH 43952
Registrants must include their registration number, name, and original registration date in all correspondence. Example: 2211 Joe Doe 4/11/2011
*Email resigns shall include the required information in the subject line of the email. E-mail resigns will receive an automatic response that your e-mail was received. If you do not receive the response within 24 hours contact our office. Multiple resigns from the same e-mail address will only receive one auto response. Per IBEW policy your name, permanent address, home local number and IBEW card number shall be included with the resign.
Registrants who fail to resign from the 10th to 16th of the month will be removed from the list and must re-register in person.
Registrants will be contacted for employment by telephone at the number provided at registration. It shall be the responsibility of the registrant to notify the Union at 740-282-7572 of any changes to your primary telephone number. Registrants will be removed from the “out of work list” upon employment or three attempts of contact at the number provided. Registrants that cannot be reached at the telephone number provided or who are unavailable for referral shall be considered a contact. Rejection by the Employer will not be considered a contact.
Registrants may monitor registration number information by clicking here.
The Business Manager is responsible to fill calls in a timely manner as needed by the employers. Referrals may be made outside of normal business hours using whatever means necessary to fill the request.